Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Happy 10 Years, Facebook!

Facebook has turned 10 and as a treat to its members, it's giving us a quick glimpse of our Facebook life via a few seconds of a lookback video.

Here's mine:

Ever wondered how I was able to save my video? Here's how I did it:
  1. Log-in to your Facebook account using Google Chrome.
  2. Go to to watch your video.
  3. Open another tab and type "about:cache" in the address field.
  4. Press Ctrl + F keys and search for the keyword "lookback." Look for an address that looks similarly like this:
  5. Copy that URL and paste it in the address field.
  6. Once confirmed that it is your lookback video, right-click on it and choose "Save Video As."
  7. Save it to your desired location.
Now you can view your lookback video anytime and post it somewhere else!

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